Wednesday, August 19, 2009

miss world 1991

1991 was an interesting year for the Miss World contest which, after last-minute scheduling the pageant was held in Atlanta, Georgia. Good news was that South Africa was back in the pageant after an absence of some 13 years and its representative, the lovely Diana Tilden-Davis, sailed in as second runner up. The judges, however, thought Venezuelan Ninibeth was the loveliest of all the contestants and she certainly accepted the crown with that regal mix of grace and joy. After her year of world travel Ninibeth fast realised that she could choose to live anywhere she chose. She eventually got married to an Australian model. Now an Australian citizen, she resides in that country with her husband, Travers Beynon and two children, Luciano and Valentina.

1st runner-up Australia - Leanne Buckle
2nd runner-up South Africa - Diana Tilden-Davis


 Jamaica - Sandra Foster
 Namibia - Michelle McLean


 France - Mareva Georges
 India - Ritu Singh
 New Zealand - Lisa Maree de Montalk
 Turkey - Dilek Aslihan Koruyan
 United States - Charlotte Ray

Continental Queens
Africa: Diana Tilden-Davis - South Africa
America: Ninibeth Beatriz Leal Rodriguez - Venezuela
Asia & Oceania: Leanne Buckle - Australia
Caribbean: Sandra Foster - Jamaica
Europe: Dilek Aslihan Koruyan - Turkey

***No Awards Given This Year

***Miss World 1991 was scheduled to be held in the Dominican Republic. Due to scheduling difficulties, Miss World was first moved to Puerto Rico, then to Atlanta, USA.

***Preliminary swimsuits in Miss World 1991 were held in South Africa.

***This was also the first time that no European country made into the finals for crowning.

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