Sunday, September 13, 2009

miss usa 1966

1 CA - Maria Judith Remenyi
2 CT - Pat Denne
3 IN - Elaine Richards
4 ND - Judy Ann Slayton
5 FL - Randy Beard

AZ - Roxanne Neeley
DC - Sue Counts
HI - Judith Anne Wolski
MD - Roselaine Zetter
MA - Nancy Joan Brackett
NY - Nancy Self
OH - Karen Dietz
TN - Mary Margaret Smith
TX - Dorothy Pickens
UT - Denice Estelle Blair

Maria Remenyi (born c. 1946) is Miss USA 1966.

Maria Reminyi was a junior at the University of California at Berkeley, majoring in high energy physics, when she became the first representative of a dormitory to win the campus Miss Beauty contest. Less than a year later she won the Miss California Universe title and went on to become California's second representative to achieve the title of Miss USA. She was a semifinalist in the Miss Universe contest. She later moved to Vermont and has a career in real estate.

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